Most everyone has performed a deep spring cleaning of their home. But have you considered extending this to your digital space as well?
According to media sources, Americans spend an average of 10 minutes each day hunting for things in their homes and not finding them.
While many people don’t enjoy cleaning, have you considered that the simple act of ridding your world of clutter could reduce the amount of regular housework by upward of 40 percent?
Your digital world is not immune from this phenomenon.
According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), more than a third (around 36%) of an employee’s day is spent looking for data they’ve lost on their computer. What’s more, executives waste 150 hours each year due to lost data.
Let’s break it down. A typical executive makes roughly $50,000 a year, so this equates to $3,842 lost, according to Forbes.
Saving time saves you money, so consider extending your spring cleaning to your data analytics this year.