Even with the continuing trend of mobile devices growing in importance for businesses, according to Gardner, roughly a quarter of enterprises worldwide have put no effort into mobile apps in the last year.
Furthermore, according to research conducted by Director of Gartner Research, Adrian Leow, amongst enterprises, only about 11% of the average software budget goes to mobility. This number is lower than many experts projected.
However, 68% of those surveyed stated their business was planning to increase spending on mobile app development. Moreover, this percentage (the 11% of businesses who have not utilized mobile in the last year) is down from the 39% reported in a similar survey last year.
Leow believes this failure to implement mobile into their business was due to the backlog for completing applications that many IT departments already have.
Additionally, Leow feels that IT and development teams need to look at their priorities toward mobile app development and revaluate.
Other hindrances for mobile app integration includes: skills gaps, lack of funds, worker hours, ROI and lack of justification for integration.
Also noted in the survey: business that have developed and deployed mobile apps have launched an average of eight apps.
Leow concludes these numbers are encouraging as they illustrate growth in the number of mobile apps being developed by those enterprises who have embraced mobility.