It seems the auto industry is looking to break into the big data and cloud computing scene. Ford Motors recently made a substantial investment in the cloud computing scene by shelling out $182.2 million to acquire Silicon Valley based cloud company Pivotal. Ford’s interest in this partnership is in hopes to offer their customers better […]
Cloud Computing and the IT Landscape
In such a digitized world, the cloud has become the go-to solution for business and organizations of all shapes and sizes—so much so that cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure are actually changing the way we see IT and the landscape that IT lives in. One such change is through data management. Business should ensure that […]
The Rising Popularity of AngularJS
A great deal has been made about the rapid shift toward enterprise mobility—especially among larger corporations—because it facilitates having employees work on mobile devices, sometimes even from their homes, and makes best use of today’s omni-present cloud services. Since this generally results in vastly increased employee productivity and efficiency, there is a rush in business […]
Onboarding Your Existing Business Systems to the Cloud
Cloud computing isn’t the next big thing. It’s already here. According to a 2014 IBISWorld Market Research Report: By 2015, end-user spending on cloud services could be more than $180 billion It is predicted that the global market for cloud equipment will reach $79.1 billion by 2018 If given the choice of only being able […]
3 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use Responsive Design
Making sure your website stays on top of current trends and advances in technology relative to web development is more important than ever. While business owners may be familiar with responsive web design, it is often a bit of a mystery to people unfamiliar with the back-end nuances of their site. Regardless of familiarity a […]
Salesforce + SteelBrick: Details of the Recent Acquisition
At the end of 2015, Salesforce silenced the rumors and officially announced that they would be acquiring SteelBrick for a price of over $300 million. SteelBrick is an automated quote-to-cash software for businesses that has been closely working with Salesforce since its inception. SteelBrick was created using the Salesforce1 platform and is already compatible with […]